Digital or Offline Marketing

Digital Marketing VS Offline Marketing


  • Both digital and traditional marketing can still be effective
  • Usually, campaigns are most successful across multiple channels
  • My experience across the range of marketing channels, ensures I can pick the most effective combination

Digital or Traditional/Offline Marketing - Which is best?

Both…sometimes! The type of marketing that will work for you, really depends upon your business and your customers. Some more traditional ‘old school’ marketing channels such as direct mail (DM) & magazine advertising get a bad rap as they can be harder to track effectiveness / ROI (return on investment). Millions of companies have used these marketing channels for years for good reason though, and ultimately, not every audience is going to see, or every type of ad work on a digital screen.

For most applications, the best approach is to work on a campaign basis across a variety of marketing channels. This works as it ensures both a greater reach of your marketing campaign for those who for instance may not use Facebook, but also can improve effectiveness from frequency (customers seeing the ad several times in different places), as well as allowing for more complex marketing journeys to include retargeting.

How could a campaign use digital and offline marketing channels?

As an example: A bike shop wants to sell more high-end bikes online, but specifically to local customers within 30 miles for collection…

A DM (postal mailer) can be sent to specific affluent postcode areas within the 30 miles of the shop directing recipients to buy a bike on the website. These postcodes can also be used to target the same group receiving the DM for advertising on Facebook and Instagram. This group will have a higher chance of visiting the website having seen the ad multiple times in different places. A secondary Facebook ad can also be targeted for those with hobbies/interests of cycling within the 30 miles, but who were not within the originally chosen postcodes. An audience of potential customers who have visited the website but not purchased can then be served adverts on Facebook or Google Adwords with an offer if required in order to increase the conversions of the campaign overall.

The above is just an example of how different channels can work together in a single marketing campaign. There are of course many additional tools that could be used to further improve such as local PR and email marketing after data collection when visiting the website. Each business and campaign will be unique, which is why I am so passionate about ensuring that I understand your business and what your goals are. Having worked across the huge range marketing channels, I have the experience to pick and choose the most effective strategy for your needs.

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